BuddyWalk with Jesus
Are you curious about how the timeless wisdom of the Bible applies to your daily life? Come join us as we embark on a journey to discover the true essence of having an active, personal relationship with God through Jesus, and delve deep into the intimate reality of God's present Kingdom through honest conversations. Our goal is to engage in authentic discussions about the relevance and richness of Scripture, as if we were chatting at a cozy coffee shop. Through BWWJ, we hope to emphasize the significance of taking a moment to slow down and reflect on the words of the Bible, to experience the closeness of God in a profound and meaningful way.
Podcasting since 2019 • 273 episodes
BuddyWalk with Jesus
Latest Episodes
What Does it Mean to Fear God
This week we're talking about the appropriate relationship we are called to have with God. Should we be afraid of God and what He might do if we mess up? What does it mean to work out your salvation with fear and trembling?We're talking...
Season 6
Episode 10

What is the Will of God
This week we are talking about the will of God and the transformation of the person. What is the will of God? What is transformation in the Spirit and how does it look in application? We're walking our way through scripture, taking...
Season 6
Episode 9

Jesus: A Field Manual
This week we welcome back to the show author, pastor, speaker and newest addition to the KFM Broadcasting family, Jon Adams. We're responding to some of the questions submitted by the BWC and jumping more fully into the topic of Christian Mysti...
Season 6
Episode 8

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